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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

There Is No Mountain Too High!

This is my belief. It is a belief which serves me well each and everyday that I have the privilege of living on this planet. It is a belief which has kept me going through the dark times in my life and one which inspires me to think great thoughts and dream big dreams.

Some people will be scared of the idea that they really can be all that they dream they can be. Scared? Yes, scared. Why? Because if they accept that they are the creator of their own future then they have to take on the monumental responsiblities known as their lives and destinies. These responsibility can seem overwhelming and frightening and so this causes people to hand over their power to circumstances, events, their past, other people and basically everything else outside of themselves.

Let me re-affirm to you this. There is No Mountain Too High and if you can conceive of it you can achieve it. The first step comes in taking back full resposibility for your own life. Accept you are your own ultimate creator and manifestor. Then reach deep within yourself and dare to dream those dreams that you manifested in this life to achieve. The excitement and exhiliration you will experience will radically alter your whole perception of life. Boundaries will come down, the universe will dance, you will swim in abundance, coincidences will occur and synchronicity become apparent all to help you climb that mountain that you must climb in order to live your destiny.

Upon beginning this journey make sure that you allow your true self's unwielding determination to flow through your being. This determination will see you through the hardships and times of trial that you must overcome in order to fulfil your life's purpose.

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Michael Jordan - Greatest Basketball Player Of All Time

I urge you to follow your heart and remember to climb the mountain that you, yourself, deep down inside know you must climb. It is your whole reason for being here. The vista from the crest of the highest mountain is your quest. It will be make every step of the journey worthwhile and then you will know you have created and lived your destiny.

Kenny Lindsay

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