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Monday, October 30, 2006

A Simple Story

This is one of my favourite Personal Development stories. I like it so much because of its simplicity and the concept of the story always makes me laugh and it stops me taking myself so seriously. That is something we could all definitely do with from time to time!

The story begins with a traveller in India who comes across an old Sage. The man asks the sage, "Why is it that I am always so stressed in my life? It just seems as though my life is one never-ending problem with countless to-do lists and never a moments peace. I am so exasperated with it all and I really can't find a solution."

The sage then replied in a calm all-knowing manner,"There is a very simple solution to this problem. Basically, if you do have control over a situation then you can control it and so you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand if you do not have control over a certain situation then you can not control it and so do not need to worry about it. So, basically you have no problems."

The traveller almost burst out laughing at the simplicity of the fable because he truly realised its value. He had been taking things and blowing them out of all proportion and had also been trying to control everything rather than just letting it flow naturally. He thanked the sage and headed off on his travels with a new sense of calm surrounding him. In the future whenever he felt a bit low, exasperated, frustrated and stressed he always remembered this story with a wry smile and found that he started to feel better right away as he realised not to take himself so seriously and that he doesn't have anything that needs to be worried about!

I hope you enjoyed this story and to read more inspiring words Click Here!

Kenny Lindsay

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