Powerful Personal Development & Growth

Welcome To "No Mountain Too High"! A Powerful Self-Improvement Site That Empowers And Inspires It's Readers. With Lots Of Great New Information On Self-Development, Interesting Articles, Quotes & Stories This Is A Very Powerful Place To Spend Some Time! Remember There Is NO MOUNTAIN TOO HIGH !

Monday, October 30, 2006

A Simple Story

This is one of my favourite Personal Development stories. I like it so much because of its simplicity and the concept of the story always makes me laugh and it stops me taking myself so seriously. That is something we could all definitely do with from time to time!

The story begins with a traveller in India who comes across an old Sage. The man asks the sage, "Why is it that I am always so stressed in my life? It just seems as though my life is one never-ending problem with countless to-do lists and never a moments peace. I am so exasperated with it all and I really can't find a solution."

The sage then replied in a calm all-knowing manner,"There is a very simple solution to this problem. Basically, if you do have control over a situation then you can control it and so you have nothing to worry about. On the other hand if you do not have control over a certain situation then you can not control it and so do not need to worry about it. So, basically you have no problems."

The traveller almost burst out laughing at the simplicity of the fable because he truly realised its value. He had been taking things and blowing them out of all proportion and had also been trying to control everything rather than just letting it flow naturally. He thanked the sage and headed off on his travels with a new sense of calm surrounding him. In the future whenever he felt a bit low, exasperated, frustrated and stressed he always remembered this story with a wry smile and found that he started to feel better right away as he realised not to take himself so seriously and that he doesn't have anything that needs to be worried about!

I hope you enjoyed this story and to read more inspiring words Click Here!

Kenny Lindsay

I Am Delighted To Announce.....

Hi everyone! I am delighted to announce to you all that I will be launching a new Personal Development Course which will be launched in March 2007. This will be a powerful course on Self-Development, Personal Growth, Spirituality, Health, Wealth, Success, Happiness and so much more. There will be alot of original material aswell as some of the greatest teachings from Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra and many more all condensed into one of the most complete Personal Growth Resources ever created.

Looking forward to it? I sure am and I can't wait to see the profound impact this will have on people's lives. The name of this project will be.....

The Official No Mountain Too High Personal Development Course

I am going to be working very hard on this project and hope it will be worth the wait. Roll on March 2007!

Kenny Lindsay

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Personal Development - Why It Is A Must

Personal development is a MUST for everyone. This is because we have to grow, expand and become the best that we possibly can. There are so many negative images on television, in the newspapers, videogames, etc in the modern world that one of the few ways we can counter-balance this negativity is through immersing ourselves in the field on self-development.

Another reason is that personal development can get you onto the fast-track in whatever endeavour you are currently pursuing because you will learn from the mistakes that these people themselves made. The beauty of this is that you do not have to make these same mistakes. This can save you so much time and that is something we definitely all could do with.

Personally, I absolutely love snuggling up in bed with a great book from Jim Rohn, Tony Robbins, Dennis Waitley, Chris Widener, Deepak Chopra or Wayne Dyer. It is an enriching experience and fills me with positivity, belief, ambition. Alot of these authors I have spent so much time reading that I feel that I actually know them now. That is what the gift of Personal Development can do for you. "Where can I get this gift from?", you may ask yourself. Simple! Go to a library or a reputable bookstore and start by reading just one book written by any of the above author's. Then you will find yourself being drawn in by the magic and the power of their words and then you will find yourself making the natural progression from one great piece of work onto the next great piece of work. Then it won't be long before you start to think "Wow!" my life is so much better than it used to be. How did that happen? Because as Jim Rohn always says " You got better!"

For a fantastic introduction into the world of self-development and it's greatest authors simply Click Here! . This site contains loads of information on 101 different experts and will be perfect for getting you started. I think it is a great starting point for most newbies to self-growth and can also act as a great place for expansion for those already quite familiar! For more information Click Here!

Kenny Lindsay

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

There Is No Mountain Too High!

This is my belief. It is a belief which serves me well each and everyday that I have the privilege of living on this planet. It is a belief which has kept me going through the dark times in my life and one which inspires me to think great thoughts and dream big dreams.

Some people will be scared of the idea that they really can be all that they dream they can be. Scared? Yes, scared. Why? Because if they accept that they are the creator of their own future then they have to take on the monumental responsiblities known as their lives and destinies. These responsibility can seem overwhelming and frightening and so this causes people to hand over their power to circumstances, events, their past, other people and basically everything else outside of themselves.

Let me re-affirm to you this. There is No Mountain Too High and if you can conceive of it you can achieve it. The first step comes in taking back full resposibility for your own life. Accept you are your own ultimate creator and manifestor. Then reach deep within yourself and dare to dream those dreams that you manifested in this life to achieve. The excitement and exhiliration you will experience will radically alter your whole perception of life. Boundaries will come down, the universe will dance, you will swim in abundance, coincidences will occur and synchronicity become apparent all to help you climb that mountain that you must climb in order to live your destiny.

Upon beginning this journey make sure that you allow your true self's unwielding determination to flow through your being. This determination will see you through the hardships and times of trial that you must overcome in order to fulfil your life's purpose.

"Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Michael Jordan - Greatest Basketball Player Of All Time

I urge you to follow your heart and remember to climb the mountain that you, yourself, deep down inside know you must climb. It is your whole reason for being here. The vista from the crest of the highest mountain is your quest. It will be make every step of the journey worthwhile and then you will know you have created and lived your destiny.

Kenny Lindsay

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Dr Wayne Dyer - Secrets Of The Universe

Dr Wayne Dyer is one of the most incredible people currently walking the face of the earth. His incredible contribution to society and promotion of love, peace, goodwill and harmony have helped him to reach the heights of best selling author and international speaker.

He has written many best-selling classics which have had a tremendous impact on the lives of millions of people. Some of his best material includes " You'll See It When You Believe It", " The Power Of Intention" and his recent international best-seller " Inspiration".

He teaches the message that if you can conceive of it you can achieve it and that we are all really spiritual beings having a human experience as opposed to the other way around.

Dr Wayne Dyer went through an incredible mid-life turnaround when he gave up his job as a college lecturer to become an author. He had no backing from a big publisher and so he decided that since America wasn't going to come to him that he instead would go to America. He bought up all the books from his first and second printing got into his car and went to anywhere in America that would allow him to spread his message and promote his book "Your Erroneous Zones". After several months of going to dozens and dozens of cities in different states around America he started to get some significant exposure. What really exploded his success though was when through a series of coincidences he managed to appear on The Tonight Show three times in a week. After, that as they say " ...the rest is history."

Wayne teaches a special meditation called Japa and is currently writing a new book based on Daoism which will be released in the near future. He currently resides in Maui, Hawaii and is a devoted father and husband.

For more great information on a superb Wayne Dyer course Click Here!

Kenny Lindsay

Jim Rohn - Simply The Best

I am a passionate follower of personal development and I am a great fan of many of the different speakers and authors who are involved in this field. However, when it comes to who I would say is the best of them all it would have to be Jim Rohn. He has addressed thousands upon thousands of different audiences throughout the past few decades. His teachings are profound and you can feel the wisdom coming through his every single word.

I find his quotes majestic and inspiring and they have helped to see me through some tough patches.

"Don't wish it was easier, wish that you were stronger."

"For things to get better you have to get better."

Jim is also a tremendous authority on business and recommends that everyone pays attention to their economic situation. He has some unique concepts which I found to be thought-provoking such as " The Seasons of Life " where he describes the process of planting seeds in your life ( metaphorically ) and then nurturing them before harvest. Then he says to take full responsibility for this harvest and to not complain if it is poor and to not apologise if it is rich!

Most of all Jim challenges you to become a better person. When setting high goals and challenges for yourself Jim says that you shouldn't ask "Why?" but rather you should ask "Why not?"

Kenny Lindsay

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hello World!

Hello and welcome to my blog. My intention is to turn this blog into a tremendous resource in the field of personal development. My dream is to create an exceptional site packed full of inspiring information. This blog will contain many tremendous stories, quotes, advice and recommendations all designed to improve the life of the reader. The title of this blog has been chosen because I totally believe that there is no mountain too high for anyone in this life if they can just have enough believe, desire and passion. I look forward to a fantastic future with this blog and especially with you the readers!

Kenny Lindsay